COVID 19 Info


Before you come to church please read the following policies and procedures.


Attendees Responsibilities


  1. Upon arrival and before entering the church you will be asked if you have any “Symptoms of COVID 19”. If you have any symptoms you will not be permitted into the church.
  2. Each person is to bring their own face mask and bible. If you do not have a face mask one will be provided for you.
  3. Please bring your own water bottle. Bottled water will be provided.
  4. While on church property (inside or outside the church), please practice physical distancing and remain at least 2 meters (6 feet) from one another. I know it will be a challenge at our church, but that means no handshaking or hugging.


While at Church


  1. Upon arrival a greeter will open the front door and supply you with hand sanitizer, tithe envelope and a mask if you did not bring your own. These items will be individually set on a table that is just inside the front door of the church. Each person will select their own items. Upon departure from the church you will be encouraged to dispose of your face mask in a dedicated waste basket located at the front door.  Tithe envelope will be collected by a greeter as you exit the church.

Should there be multiple people (other then from the same family) arriving at church at the same time, you will be instructed to wait outside until the greeter is ready to usher you into church. Physical distancing marks will be visible on the side walk. 


  1. The greeter will usher you (one person at a time/or family) to the direction of a pew seat. The door leading into the sanctuary will be left open unless the A/C is on. When the sanctuary door is closed, hand sanitizer is available on both sides of door. Designated sitting areas in the sanctuary will be marked. (Your favourite seat might not be available).


  1. Should you require washroom facilities, please wash your hands when finished. (Hand washing instructions will be posted in the washrooms).


  1. Until further notice there will be no fellowship meal, communion service and singing during the service. 


  1. Bibles, hymnals and other literature have been removed from the sanctuary.


  1. The fellowship room will be used as an overflow with audio and visual presentation.


  1. At the conclusion of Sabbath school and/or Worship service if you wish to congregate, please go outside, adhering to safe physical distancing.



Thank you for your co-operation

Lincoln Pioneer SDA 





Medical doctors explain…